Several new apps have been added to the Glassware directory over the past few days, one of which aims to help the budding guitar hero in all of us.

It's called Chords, and it's the work of a solo developer named Tejas Lagvankar.

Chords isn't a full-fledged music instruction app; instead, it gives quick access to all of the major and minor chords and presents them both visually and aurally so you can see and hear each one.

The app can work via voice commands ("OK Glass, learn an instrument" and then speak the name of a chord) or the touchpad, where you can browse through all the chords and pick whichever you want. You'll want to use at least the mono earbud with this app, and the stereo earbuds would be even better, I'm sure.



I don't have a guitar here at Casa McGee, and I'm not a musician by any means, but I do love music and enjoyed just playing with the app briefly to hear what different chords sound like.

Chords only supports guitar at the moment, but Lagvankar says additional instruments will be added in future app updates. He also says singers can use the app as a pitch finder since it plays the sound of each chord.

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